Sexual Harassment
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Getting Relief For Sexual Harassment Victims

Sexual harassment has no place in today’s workplace. Where once sexual harassment was often tolerated, overlooked or misunderstood, it is now recognized as the cause of real and significant emotional and economic harm.

Victims of sexual harassment often experience confusion regarding the nature of illegal, actionable sexual harassment. Sexual harassment occurs under two sets of circumstances:

  • Harassment leading to a hostile work environment
  • “Quid quo pro” harassment, which means that an employee is denied compensation or benefits, including promotion, advancement and pay, upon the employee’s refusal to engage in unwanted sexual activity

Hostile work environments can be created by unwanted and inappropriate comments, emails, pictures and/or touching.

Contact the San Antonio sexual harassment attorney at 866-882-3409 to discuss your case and take action. Call 866-882-3409.

The Right Lawyer To Take On This Fight For You

Damages for sexual harassment, hostile work environment and other workplace harassment claims can be high, and employers often deny wrongdoing and will even protect harassers. An experienced sexual harassment attorney can document the occurrences and emotional and economic harm, work to prove the guilt of the employer and work to secure a fair compensation for the victim.

Lawyer Michael Galo has significant trial experience, and has tried numerous employment law cases in state and federal courts. He has also provided counsel and representation to employers in all areas of employment law, and knows how companies operate and how they defend against sexual harassment cases.

His unique experience serving both sides of sexual harassment cases, combined with his record of success, ensure he has the skill and knowledge to provide effective sexual harassment legal services.

Contact The Galo Law Firm P.C. — Se Habla Español

Are you the victim of a hostile work environment? Call The Galo Law Firm P.C. with your sexual harassment and sex discrimination law questions. We are open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and speak fluent Spanish. Contact The Galo Law Firm P.C., at 866-882-3409.